Dieses Unternehmen wird aktuell mit durchschnittlich 3.95 von 5 Sternen bewertet (Note “Gut”). Grundlage hierfür sind 82 Kundenbewertungen auf 1 Bewertungsportal. Mehr Infos
82 Bewertungen
Koray K

Lehrer top, Organisation flop... Schlechte Organisation, kein vernünftiger Customer Support... war vor einigen Jahren schonmal besser.. Hätte mir mehr erwartet. Pluspunkt geht an die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer

Richard H

Would give 0 stars if possible. I registered for B2 German class. Two days before the class was supposed to start, received an email saying it is now full and I can take the next class which starts 1.5 months from now. I wrote explaining the situation and they never got back to me. What is the point of registering if they give my spot to someone else! Unacceptable.

Ilya O

Ich habe mich im Voraus angemeldet, um den Test "Leben in Deutschland" zu machen. Als ich am vereinbarten Termin ankam, teilte mir die Schulleitung mit, dass der Test abgesagt worden war und in zwei Wochen nachgeholt würde. Extrem unprofessionell und inkompetent.

Habibullah T


Muhlis C

Almanca kursu için Münih ve yakınlarında olanlara tavsiye edebileceğim bir yer.

Yuansen C

Zum Glück ist meine Lehrerin immer nett und professionell. Allerdings muss ich über die schlechte Organisation bei Inlingua beschweren. Wegen der Abwesenheit meiner Lehrerin muss ich an anderem Kurs teilnehmen, bei dem es andere Schüler gibt. Wie definiert man einen Vertretungslehrer bei Inlingua? Ich brauche einen einzelnen Vertretungslehrer für meinen Kurs, nicht einen gemeinsamen Vertretungslehrer, der zwei Gruppen gleichzeitig unterrichtet. V

Matthias B

Hervorragendes Programm. Französische Lehrer, die ausschließlich in französisch mit den Lernenden kommunizieren. Wer sich für einen Franze-Kurs interessiert, der/dem kann ich Jean und Magalie sehr empfehlen, da ich bei Ihnen lernen durfte. Gutes Organisationteam, das jederzeit ansprechbar ist.

elena v

Mio figlio è arrivato dall'italia che aveva poca voglia di imparare una lingua nuova, il tedesco...in 2 settimane siete riusciti a cambiargli l'atteggiamento...grazie ancora e grazie agli insegnanti Michael e Reinhard

Suresh K

Inlingua Munich is awesome. And what made my experience extraordinary is one teacher -Christina Panagiotopoulou. I am normally very bad at learning new languages albeit having travelled the world and lived in 3 continents -without being able to speak in the native language in any of those countries. For the first time in decades, I am developing real language skills in Deutsch -which would be my third language because of one person and that is Ch

wei p

Meine Lehrerin war sehr gut. Die Abteilungsleiterin war auch schnell, um meine Frage zu antworten und die Probleme zu lösen.

Canadian K

I can truly say my German is improving at a rapid rate. I attribute that a lot to my teacher Christina Panagiotopoulou. Christina makes the class fun and explains everything clearly. Its wonderful to have found a good class.

esraa g

It's aa excellent school, classes are hybrid either u can attend online or on site, my teacher @Christina is not just clever and patient, she is very friendly and cheerful person. I really enjoyed every class even after a long working day. I really felt learning German is fun.

Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Esraa, thank you so much for your detailed comment. It makes us very happy and encourages us to continue our work this way. Have a nice time! Your inlingua Munich team 😊
Hazarti L

Folks, avoid the place. Even if the school seems to be close to your home or BAMF pays for your course - NEVER EVER learn a language within the school. They say the school is the best in München. I literally had the worst experience in my entire life. I could tell you the whole story unfortunately if I began writing it I would end up finishing a complete book! It lasted over 7 months since I rated the school. Now I change my 2 stars to ONE! My

review imagereview imagereview imagereview image
Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Mr Lirot, we are very sorry that, at the moment, it is very hard to find available space in any integration course although there are so many language schools in Munich. We are using our entire capacity to start Integration Courses, in the mornings as well as in the afternoons. Hopefully, you found a suitable place meanwhile.
Олександр Ф

Дуже добре!

Alejandra S

Guten Lehrern


Hi. I have not had a good experience at Inlingua Munich. Their course teachers were not consistent and their accounts department is very confused. First their course teachers were changed every couple of weeks over the year I attended which made it really hard to have any sort of consistency. I was really patient and persisted having to deal with at times very junior non experienced and then older rude teachers. Then secondly I decided I could no

Farida J

Die Bücher für die Integrationskurse sind ein Witz. Sehr wenige Übungen. Hören hat man fast gar nicht. Schade!