Tierärztlicher Notdienst Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Mainz

Anbieter in der Kategorie Tierärztlicher Notdienst in Mainz

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
209 Bewertungen
209 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Rheinallee 89 | 55118Mainz
Heute:09:30 - 11:30, 14:30 - 18:30


Samira S auf

Unser Sammy ist Patient und wir sind sehr begeistert. Sowohl die Arzthelferinnen als auch die Ärzte sind Top. Besonders wohl fühlt sich unser Hund bei Frau Dr. Katharina. Sie hat uns durch eine schwere Zeit begleitet und geholfen. Wir können diese Praxis sehr empfehlen.


Nivetha S auf

After being a regular visitors to this Clinic(almost 1 year) , I am sad to write about the irresponsible behavior of the people of Tierarztpraxis. The problem is we always wait minimum 30 minutes to meet the doctor despite booking appointment well before. But yesterday we had to leave the Praxis after waiting for almost an hour. The reason said by one of the receptionist was, sometimes it takes time than the normal . But I questioned her back it always happens to me and my pets? She had no answer. She even wanted me to take appointments around 15Uhr to avoid waiting but then I really don’t understand why they have a schedule and give appointments. I would rather just drop in by 15Uhr. They also say sometime there might be emergency, yes I once took my pet due to sudden allergic reaction on his skin, but they never attended my pet rather sent me and my cat back to make an appointment with emergency care. I really don’t think they are fair towards me and my pets

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