Lexus-Händler Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Frankfurt am Main

Anbieter in der Kategorie Lexus-Händler in Frankfurt am Main

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1 Anbieter
156 Bewertungen
156 Bewertungen aus 3 Quellen
Hanauer Landstr. 431 | 60314Frankfurt am Main


Manduul B auf

We bought our car from here, Mario Blazevic is the salesperson who took care of us, was always there for us, helped us with the documents. Very friendly!


Ime P auf

I came here with 9/2019 42 000km Lexus to check factory mistake/damage on lack. I have 15 years warranty if something happens that is not my fault. They told me I will go to their professional for a check up. (Keep in mind I didn't know what kind of professional) While checking the car together "professional" said it's from the rocks on the road while driving. He said I can't use warranty on that and that I need to pay minimum of 1300€ to fix it. Reason is they need to colour whole front bumper. Actually you need to remove the chrome details from the bumper, protect everything else with paper, brush the damaged part with wet sand paper(2000,3000,5000), spray clear lack on the damaged part and that's it. Total time of work 1 hour. Not few days how they say it is. Few weeks later after lack is dry and hard you just need to polish that part and that's it.(car can be driven that whole time) Total cost of repairing is less than 30€ without payment to the worker and the shop. So 1300€ is way too much overpriced, we could also say scamming price. Now when I made it clear I am not some blonde woman who can't even start the car alone, we can continue. When they said I will go meet their professional I have never ever knew nix Lexus hires PROFESSIONAL SCAMMERS.(they could warn me at beggining, not just saying "professional") You can see it here on the pictures what kind of damage it is. If a 30cm big rock hits the car while driving even 30km/h, I wouldn't have bumper anymore. I am also really interested into what kind of 30cm rock hits the bumper between chrome detail and bumper and doesn't damage chrome details at all. Really weird, ha? I can't wait that public see's how you deal with your mistakes and of course customers. Edit: there was no language barrier! Your employee speaks english very well. With this kind of disgusting answer you just proved my feedback and from all other customers on your google page. Instead of saying 'we are very sorry for our mistake' you are choosing too go and try to insult a customer. If you want we can solve issues with your buisness handling with real Lexus from Japan. So we can see how would they react after they see how you treat and talk to your customers. Then we will see who falsely accuses you. Edit 2: I went to another Lexus, not Lexus owned by Nix(scammers). Other Lexus service said it is factory fault and fixed my lack for free. They also said who ever said in other Lexus that it is not factory fault that it should not work that job anymore. I am adding 3 more pictures as a proof how they fixed it and it was on their cost of repair!! Report is going to be sent too the official Lexus how you do your buisness in their name and put a shame on them!

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