Kieferorthopäde Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Kaiserslautern

Anbieter in der Kategorie Kieferorthopäde in Kaiserslautern

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
6 Bewertungen
Steinmetzstraße 1 | 67655Kaiserslautern


Brett R auf

Dr. Yang did my braces and she is wonderful. Plus she has a little puppy 🐶


Yuri.U auf

AVOID THIS PLACE. I needed to reattach the left side of my permanent retainer, so I contacted them. The woman I spoke with on the phone refused to schedule an appointment upon learning I’m part of an American military family stationed temporarily in Germany. She insisted they would ONLY see me if I agreed to redo my permanent retainer or get Invisalign with them. To add insult, they suggested I remove my permanent retainer assuming I don’t clean well with it. Such an interesting comment to make without actually examining a patient. Fortunately, I found a very helpful dental clinic where I had it reattached. I shared my experience with my dentist. Never ever had an issue going into a clinic with my 10-year old “permanent” retainer until today. I confirmed that this place is a total scam trying to rip off customers. I am not here to damage their business, but here to share the disappointing experience I had.

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