Hobby & Kunst Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Nürnberg
Die 5 besten Anbieter in der Kategorie Hobby & Kunst in Nürnberg
Letzte Positiv Bewertung
Sehr gut!!!Fam.Barte
Letzte Positiv Bewertung
Hauptmarket Nuremberg - The weekly market takes place every working day on the approximately 5,000 square meter open space. When the main market is used for the Christkindlesmarkt or other markets and events, the weekly market stalls are moved to the surrounding pedestrian zone. The square, which was very important from an architectural point of view until it was largely destroyed in World War II, was only rebuilt in a very makeshift and simplified manner in the post-war period, apart from the landmarks such as the Frauenkirche and the beautiful fountain.
Letzte Positiv Bewertung
Top Adresse für alle outdoor Aktivitäten rund ums Wandern ,Bergsteigen und Klettern.
Letzte Positiv Bewertung
Habe für meine Enkeltochter (10 Jahre) und mich die Tour gebucht. Unser Guide Richard hat wissenswertes um die Entstehung und Nutzung interessant und unterhaltsam für Erwachsene und Kinder rübergebracht.
Letzte Negativ Bewertung
The historical tour is nothing special. You are basically walking around the empty cellers and listen (if you are a foreigner) to an audioguide
Letzte Positiv Bewertung
It is quite good, but it could be improved, particularly regarding the lighting, which is a bit too dazzling. 1 court is good, 1 is ok, 2 courts could be better 😊