Geschäft für Gartenmöbel Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in München

Anbieter in der Kategorie Geschäft für Gartenmöbel in München

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
5,000 Bewertungen
5000 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Ludwig-Koch-Straße 3 | 81249München
Heute:10:00 - 19:00


Markus S auf

War nur in der Kantine


Olha S auf

We were looking for some fairly cheap kitchen furniture for our newly rented flat, so one of the consultants was ready to help us. After he showed us what the kitchen could look like, he printed out the contract straight away and put it in front of us, waiting for it to be signed. We were shocked and asked about the time to think. The consultant created some pressure by saying that it will get more expensive, so we signed it. Shortly after (before any! work other than free consultation has been done by Höffner) we decided that we don't want to buy the kitchen under such pressure and notified them about it. In the contract, there is a point about the price of cancellation and the right of the customer to prove that no major expenses have been caused by contract cancellation. However, the customer service ignored it and requested 10% of the full price, which is totally unfair considering the circumstances. Would not recommend using the customer support and consultations on-site.

Neutral & Unabhängig

30+ Bewertungsportale

Unterstützt durch KI

Über 20 Mio. Bewertungen