Ferienwohnung Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Berlin

Anbieter in der Kategorie Ferienwohnung in Berlin

Insgesamt haben wir
2 Anbieter
3,544 Bewertungen
109 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Ritterstraße 2a | 10969Berlin


Rahul K auf

I have been with Orbis Apartments since 6 months, and I can really tell that they get the job done. I have taken internal transfer among different Orbis apartments itself, and trust me the transition had been smooth. All my concerns were also taken care whenever I quoted them over email. In short, I am a happy & satisfied customer of Orbis !


Mar auf

Wie bei einigen Anderen auch, antwortet man mir nicht mehr, nachdem ich mich darauf eingelassen habe anstatt einer Stornierung wegen Corona, einen Gutschein zu akzeptieren. Versuche seit 2 Monaten Kontakt herzustellen. Jetzt gibt es auch die Mailadresse des Mitarbeiters, welcher mir damals noch geantwortet hat, nicht mehr. Anrufe gehen ins Leere. Sowas nenne ich mal schöne abzocke! Booking bietet das Apartment weiterhin an

3435 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Rosenstraße 16 | 10178Berlin


Ahmed E auf

Ich hatte eine großartige Erfahrung mit Wunderflats, dank der exzellenten Unterstützung von Kevin Moore. Er war äußerst professionell, freundlich und hat all meine Anliegen schnell und effizient gelöst. Die Plattform ist sehr benutzerfreundlich und bietet eine große Auswahl an Apartments. Ich kann Wunderflats jedem empfehlen, der auf der Suche nach einer kurzfristigen Wohnlösung ist. 5 Sterne für den großartigen Service, vor allem dank Kevin!


Shane O auf

This site is a scam, they overcharge for all rentals way above market price and charge consumers a 249€ fee to use the site. I used them for a flat where I was being harassed by the landlord with backhanded passive aggressive behaviors and comments, e.g., I needed "special treatment" or I should know better about German things before I moved here. I was even woken up around midnight while recovering from 3 emergency surgeries to "help" prevent damage for her basement storage items (she didn't show up to address that herself). She also did things like failing to change the mailbox and flat label for over 2 months, which resulted in undeliverable or lost important correspondence. This was reported to Wunderflats, and being a disabled retiree from the US military, I don't accept poor treatment for anyone. The site took no responsibility, and actually the operators there distanced themselves and went unresponsive for extended periods of time. The only thing they did was send a passive aggressive email saying we would inform her of her rights and then demands of paying out more money after I said I invoked my right to extraordainary termination because of the harassment and the disturbance to my mental and physical well-being. There were numerous issues from the time of move in. 1. Upon moving in the apartment was not clean, there were numerous spider webs inside and dust under all furniture, and there were accumulated leaves under all shrubs in the garden off the terrace and within the shades of the windows. There were numerous breakins when I lived in the building, the electrical was spotty at best, and not all outlets worked in the studio. 2. The landlady refused and ignored doing an actual move in checklist. 3. Even with reporting to Wunderflats, the landlady kept asking me numerous times to do things to "support" her with physical labor uncompensated while I was sick. I had to also pursue a tenant rights agency and filed a formal police report. Wunderflats has yet to take any actions to remedy or compensate due to the harassment. They also allowed the landlady to advertise again the flat on their site, knowing that a police report was filed as I gave them the report number. I don't recommend them. You are being overcharged knowingly by all the company and landlords, and they will not do anything to fix situations. Consumer beware.

Neutral & Unabhängig

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Unterstützt durch KI

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