Agentur für Gewerbeimmobilien Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Wiesbaden

Anbieter in der Kategorie Agentur für Gewerbeimmobilien in Wiesbaden

Insgesamt haben wir
3 Anbieter
177 Bewertungen
Martinstr. 15 | 65189Wiesbaden
Heute:08:00 - 20:00


Agata S auf

Frau Klein war bei der Wohnungsbesichtigung sehr freundlich und engagiert, sie konnte uns alles gut erklären und zur Show stellen. Ich bin sehr zufrieden. 😊


C. M auf

Leider habe ich persönlich ganz schlechte Erfahrung mit diesen arroganten Typen machen müsste und von meine Seite keine weiter Empfehlung!

26 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Matthias-Claudius-Straße 13 | 65185Wiesbaden
Heute:09:00 - 14:00


C. J auf

Frau Plautz ist die beste Maklerin, welcher ich jemals begegnet bin. Sie ist kompetent, aufrichtig, ausgesprochen freundlich. Von der Besichtigung bis hin zur Anmietung der Wohnung war alles perfekt, der Kontakt stets wertschätzend und fair, ich hätte mir keine bessere Betreuung wünschen können. Selbst an einem Wochenende kümmert Sie sich um wichtige Belange der Mieter*innen und ist binnen kürzester Zeit erreichbar. Dankeschön für die freundschaftliche Zusammenarbeit!


Ali A auf

We had a recent experience with this business, Frau Plautz was extremely rude and unprofessional throughout. Firstly, she refused to give us an appointment (most probably because our names were not so German) for viewing an apartment(saying that there are no free appointments available anymore). When we asked another employee we were given an appointment for the same apartment for the same day! (First lie) When we reached for the appointment, and we introduced ourselves, she gave very cold expressions, as if she is not even interested to show us the apartments. There were two apartments in the same building, one on 3rd floor (DG), and other one on the second floor. We liked the 2nd floor apartment more, she told us that there are 4 interested candidates for the same apartment. And for the other one (DG) there’s NONE. As we are both professionals (I’m an engineer and my wife is a Doctor), with a very good income and profile, that was more than enough for the apartment we were applying for, so we gave our documents too. However, from her expressions and the way she was talking with us, we had an idea that there won’t be a good news and she will consider others over us (because she might have a prejudice against us since my wife was wearing a hijab, and we are foreigners). It was around 6pm when we finished the appointment, and next morning around 12 we got a rejection email already, saying the “owner” has selected someone else. So in a few hours, she discussed all the applications with landlady, and she didn’t even put us on the waiting list! Super “efficient”, isn’t it! To add another layer of surety, that this woman is having personal grudges with us, we replied to the email that we would like to take the DG Wohnung(for which no one applied). She did not reply the whole day, and she replied very late with a proper taunt: sorry, no! Weren’t the stairs too much for you yesterday!” -(Translated from German). Remember, she told us that no one has applied for this apartment, still she rejected us, not just that, she was extremely unprofessional, giving personal comments about our choices! What kind of reply is this? And what kind of professional are you? That’s how you do business? You should be ashamed of yourself and if you want to run a business then try keeping your personal biases within you!! Good luck!

6 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 13 | 65187Wiesbaden
Heute:08:30 - 18:00


Lena auf

Ich bin einfach gerne hier! Umgeben von kompetenten und professionellen Beratern.

Neutral & Unabhängig

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