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32 Bewertungen
Operation M

Please beware of that person if you want to sell your property. Her business seems to be built on scamming people not familiar with german laws

Mikael B

Friendly at first but as soon as the contract was signed, absent and no reply until she needs her money. It’s no wonder all her clients are americans. Doesn’t reply, slow with technology and super quick about getting paid. Old cow in hell needs to retire and stop taking advantage of those serving overseas!

Kate L

Americans save yourself the trouble. Listen to all the reviews and FB posts about this place. Doris was nice when helping us find our rental, throughout the three years we live there everytime we have an issue she would tell us to talk the landlord’s son-in-law who lives next door instead of doing her work as a “property manager”. Once we move out, a portion of our deposit was withheld for “water and trash” even though we had paid it monthly and


Where do I even begin with naming the issues. Just save yourself the trouble in the long run and find a different realtor.

Martin Z

Total unhöflich auf eine Besichtigung in unserer Wohnung bestanden, ohne Rücksprache mit uns. Mit dem Zusatz 'es wurde schon angefragt' - jedoch war das das erste Gespräch. Mit der richtigen Freundlichkeit erzielt man bessere Ergebnisse, würde ich sagen. Edit: ich wurde weder für diese Rezension bezahlt noch habe ich einen Gutschein erhalten, sondern hatte direkten Kontakt mit Ihnen, nur so nebenbei. Das war nur meine eigene Erfahrung mit DD Imm

Antwort des Unternehmens
Manche Leute bekommen für ihre Bewertungen, egal ob gut oder schlecht Amazon Gutscheine über 5 Euro. Ist es das wert? Der liebe Gott straft kleine Dinge sofort und große später.
Christopher P

Moved here and within a few days was talking with various housing people. Doris was the most helpful. Answered every question I had. All appointments have been made quick. Meetings with the landlord within a few days. Looked at the apartment. A very accurate description of it. Due to her previous work with housing she was knowledgeable about policies. Would recommend. Makes everything very easy and understandable. Note: My phone was having iss

Joseph M

Good experience

taylor r

Never answers the phone. She made clearing housing hell.

Terry S

From the moment I walked into the office I felt like I was in the right place to help me find an apartment. Doris took me to see several options before I found the one I wanted. She had the paperwork ready at the time of signing. Stephanie answered all my questions and assisted me in getting receipts when I needed them. From the beginning until the end and everything in between these ladies took care of everything for me and did their jobs well.


Very helpful 👌

Shelby H

All earlier reviews for Doris are correct, negative and positive. In the beginning she is super nice and helpful. Sadly, she is the total opposite when the moving out date approaches. We were bugged to show the house three to four weeks before our actual moving out date. When asked to perform showing after we moved out, she seemed very bothered by this. On moving out date, we had the strong impression that she was searching for the smallest of de

My R

Top, große Hilfe beim Hausverkauf für in der USA lebende Schwägerin. Trotz vieler amtlicher Hürden und Problemen großes Engagement und exzellente Abwicklung. Hat mir sehr viel Arbeit "abgenommen" und Behördengänge erspart. Kann die negativen Beurteilungen leider nicht nachvollziehen!

Kenneth J

Taking advantage of Americans trying to find rentals. Will tell verbally and written that they have secured a place, but then lease to someone else leaving tenants scurrying to try and find another place. Can this get zero stars please?

maureen s

Antwort des Unternehmens
Thank you Ms Maureen
Marcel K

Sehr unfreundliche und unhöfliche Maklerin. Das Team arbeitet nicht ordentlich und alles wirkt total unorganisiert. Termine werden einfach "vergessen" oder die Maklerin erscheint unangekündigt bei einem zu Hause. Sowas geht einfach nicht. Es zeugt von gewisser Unseriösität, wenn Mitarbeiter das eigene Unternehmen zudem noch in höchsten Tönen loben, als seien sie selbst Kunden...