Dieses Unternehmen wird aktuell mit durchschnittlich 3.21 von 5 Sternen bewertet (Note “Befriedigend”). Grundlage hierfür sind 14 Kundenbewertungen auf 1 Bewertungsportal. Mehr Infos
14 Bewertungen

Старая собака на офисе Срочно провести с ней беседу, пока не покусала всех водителей Ну или намордник выдать ей

Antwort des Unternehmens
Hello, We are sorry for your unfortunate experience during your visit. We would still like to thank you for letting us know about your experience and will ensure that your concerns are passed on to the responsible employees. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Uladzislau H

Офис работает с 7:00, у меня в документах написано что выгрузка в 6:00, приехал :) Как итог жду до 7:00. Раньше 7:00 приезжать нет смысла.

Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Mr. Homan, Thank you for taking the time to write a review about our services. We would also like to apologize for the waiting time. We are constantly working on optimizing our processes. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Rafał L

W moim przypadku rozładunek szybko sprawnie miły personel jak I operator suwnicy.nie musiałem wyjeżdżać na wage,niewiem dlaczego,inni musieli,rozładunek gate 3 parkingu brak ale są zatoczki obok firmy jak się uda to staniesz bo osobówki blokują,ale bym nie ryzykował bo nie ma gdzie wyjechać tylko autostrady....

Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Mr. Lewandowski, Thank you very much for taking the time to leave us a positive feedback. We are very pleased with your review and hope to welcome you back soon. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
janis b

Katastrophe met ladestelle.

Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear janis bitens, We are sorry that you were not satisfied with our services. Since we always seek a joint dialog with our customers and suppliers, we would be pleased if you could tell us personally about your experience. Please send your detailed feedback to the following e-mail address: online.tkschulte@thyssenkrupp-materials.com. We look forward to receiving your message. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte

Bardzo długi czas oczekiwania na rozładunek prawie 5 godzin. Widać że ludzie pracują tu za kare . Omijać szerokim łukiem

Antwort des Unternehmens
Hello, Thank you for taking the time to write a review about our services. We are sorry that we were unable to satisfy you during your visit to our site and would be happy to discuss your complaint in person. We can therefore offer you to continue the exchange via the following e-mail address "online.tkschulte@thyssenkrupp-materials.com". We would also like to apologize for the long waiting time. We are constantly working on optimizing our processes. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Kola K

Pierwsi Niemcy. Jesteś opcy czekasz 3h mi zeszło na parkingu. Gościu ten co rozładowuje Tor 5 nie są miły.

review imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview image
Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Sir, As we always take time for our customers to meet their individual needs, the replacement may take a little longer in individual cases. We are sorry that this has resulted in a longer waiting time in your case. Next time, please speak directly to a member of staff to make them aware of your situation. We would still like to thank you for letting us know about your experience and will ensure that your concerns are passed on to the responsible employees. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Voron L

Приіхав вечері на розвантаження. охорона не дозволила переночувати хоча були місця.

Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Mr. Lyfa, We are sorry that we could not satisfy you with our service. We would still like to thank you for letting us know about your experience and will ensure that your concerns are passed on to the responsible employees. Yours sincerely Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Тариел Х

Отличная контора,лёгкий доступ.паркинг для ожидания.После выгрузки простоял час.некаких проблем.

Antwort des Unternehmens
Hello, Thank you very much for your positive feedback! As the exchange with our customers and suppliers is very important to us, we are very happy about your review and apologize at the same time for the long waiting time. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Maks M

Хороший фирма 5 звёзд

Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Sir, Thank you very much for taking the time to leave us a positive feedback. We are very pleased with your review and hope to welcome you back soon. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Marco O

Spoko tylko bardzo długi czas oczekiwania na rozładunek.

review imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview imagereview image
Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Sir, We would like to thank you for taking the time to write a review of our services at thyssenkrupp Schulte. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Владимир И

Офис разгрузки работает с 7 утра. Алюминиевые листы на поддонах разгружают в 5 складе. Машину ставим на паркинг и идем к ним пешком. Никто никуда не торопится.

Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Sir, Thank you very much for your feedback. We look forward to welcoming you back soon. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Евгений Ф

Очень милые и вежливые люди работают как в офисе так на складе где разгружают, все очень быстро , разгрузка заняла 20 минут, на складе где разгружают пауза с 9:00 до 9:30, после разгрузки сразу на складе отдают документы , есть туалет, душа нет, офис где принимают документы на разгрузку открыт с 7:00

Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Sir, Thank you very much for taking the time to leave us a positive feedback. We are very pleased with your review and hope to welcome you back soon. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Maks L

Долго грузят.Весы,потом к охране,потом паркинг и офис.Главное у кого поздняя загрузка или не успеют загрузить,можно ночевать на территории.Туалет есть.

Antwort des Unternehmens
Dear Mr. Lugansk, We would like to thank you for taking the time to write a review of our services at thyssenkrupp Schulte. We apologize for the long waiting time and hope to welcome you back soon. Yours sincerely, Your team from thyssenkrupp Schulte
Jozsef B

Personal super!!!!Cateva locuri de parcare pe stradă!!!! Program 6.00-12.00

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