Dieses Unternehmen wird aktuell mit durchschnittlich 4.17 von 5 Sternen bewertet (Note “Gut”). Grundlage hierfür sind 30 Kundenbewertungen auf 2 Bewertungsportalen. Mehr Infos
25 Bewertungen
5 Bewertungen
tushar k

I did a driver’s license transfer with Fahrschule Ullrich (I had been driving before since 15years). I was coached by Nic and prepared on a manual shift car. It was a comfortable first meeting. Nic explained and also recommended where to get the required certificates and documents. The process took some time as one has to go through it by themselves till the theory test. It is worth mentioning that Nic was there to guide me through the entire or

Anand J

If you're someone, who's looking for a friendly and comfortable place to learn driving, then definitely check this place out. I was taught by Mr. Nic Ullrich. The classes were conducted in English and he also gave instructions in German towards the end of the sessions as a part of exam preparation. Also, the driving lessons can be scheduled according to the convenience of the students. It's really close to the university and easily accessible. I


I did a license transfer (exchanged my Indian license with a German B-class Automatic) in Sep ‘22, and I am pleased with Fahrschule Ullrich. Mr. Nic was my instructor for the driving classes, which were in English. We did a total of 9x45mins sessions. I trusted his experience as an instructor and took as many classes as possible until I was ready for the test. By the way, I have considerable expertise driving in both India and the USA. The only


Watched one of their vehicles use no turn signal on a tiny, extremely busy road full of parents taking their kids to kindergarten. Whether it was just an instructor or a student also, yikes.

Rohit M

I did my driving licence with Nic. He is really great, explains everything properly and he has great patience. He speaks fluent English so very helpful for those who have less knowledge about German. Moreover he helps bit during exam as well, with language and other stuffs. I definitely recommend to do licence from him.

Sara Z

I passed my driving and theory test with Nick.. He is an excellent instructor.. He speaks very good english and i always felt really comfortable driving with him. He helped me alot during my driving test and he was very patient and always helpful. He supported alot during the exam and he was able to translate everything during the exam. I really recommend everyone with little German knowledge to get help with Nick if they want to pass their dri

Ma F

Beste Fahrschule in der Stadt!!! Immer wieder gerne!


I took the class B driving lessons here and recently passed my driving tests (both theory and practical) on first attempt. I was taught by Ms. Ullrich from novice to expert driver. There are two instructors and they speak both English and German, that's why this school is very popular with international students and their schedule remain very busy. I must admit the driving lessons by Ms. Ullrich are very strict, but on the other hand that made t

Shreyas B

I took the driving classes for "Klasse B" licence here. The instructors here are professionally very good and friendly. Mr. Nic was the instructor and was good in explaining the situations with good inputs to tackle. People with no German language knowledge can have no hesitancy in learning as the instructors here speak very well English. Only drawback would be the high prices, though it's the same scenario in other schools too!


I was trained by Ms Ullrich. During the training (city & highway), she non-stop talked and gave point, which is a positive point. Generally, the price for driving license in Germany is high, but I think this is not the fault of the Fahrschule! In fact, preparation for the driving exam need high concentration during the training (and even when I was at home, I was reviewing what mistake I had during the training). I passed the theoretical exam wit


Über ein Jahr angemeldet, ständig vertröstet als ich mich für die Prüfung anmelden wollte um endlich fertig zu werden mit dem Führerschein. Sehr unfreundlich und es dann so hingestellt das man selbst schuld sei. Vorweg bezahlt- Geld weg und immernoch kein Führerschein. Geplant war ihn so schnell wie möglich in der Tasche zu haben. Als die ersten Probleme aufkamen wurden Anrufe und Texte ignoriert. Ich hätte gerne angezeigt, aber wegen Umzug ins A

Bull S

Charged for 13 hours of driving. Moved 10 kilometers away and when transferring was told ALL the time was only 'practice' now. Difficult. Careless. Untrustworthy.

Im W

In dieser Fahrschule wird die Theorie gut, verständlich und motiviert rübergebracht. Die Fahrlehrer sind alle freundlich & kompetent! Nach so einem guten Fahrlehrer kann man lange suchen.Theorie & Praxis auf Anhieb. Empfehlung! Riesiges Lob an Nic!

Aarish N

Being an international student I took the advice of my senior colleagues and took driving classes from Ulrich driving school for “Klasse B”, they are very Professional and friendly at Ulrich which makes learning fun and easy. If you have difficulty speaking German you’re at luck because they speak good English too. Unlike what I’ve heard about other Fahrschule this one is The best Overall in Kaiserslautern.

Gi W

Ich kann die Fahrschule Ullrich sehr zufrieden weiter empfehlen einfach absolute spitze. Habe in einer anderen Fahrschule angefangen die nicht so seriös war bin dann auf die Fahrschule Ullrich gestoßen und konnte an einem Stück meinen Führerschein ergolgreich bestehen. Bin wirklich sehr zufrieden mit meinem Fahrlerer gewesen er strahlt große Sicherheit und Seriosität aus die auf den Fahrschüler übergeht und das macht echt vieles einfacher und loc