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Anna I

Extremely understanding & has a good attitude in tough situations i really do thank you for being patient with me with my first investment with you plus being a newbie and i also thank you for the successful withdrawal of $15,000 within seven days of trading. I recommend Mathew navas to everyone out there wanting to make profits through crypto, forex / stock trading. Contact him now through: / WhatsApp: +1 762-239-1392

Thelora S

Unserer Kurs hat für 6 Wochen gedauert aber wir haben 3 verschiedene Lehrerin für 4 Wochen kennengelernt. Obwohl wir eine E-Mail geschrieben habe , haben sie nichts gemacht. Das war nicht logisch für uns. Frau Körting ist unfreundlich und manchmal kommt sie frech.

Melissa M

Overall, I had a good experience here. Although their pace is really fast and sometimes overwhelming, I think this is what you need to be able to learn a language really good. Their method is to give you a test almost every week and this forces you to be continually studying and memorizing words. I have friends who where at other German language schools with a slower learning pace and I could see the difference. You definitely learn more under pr

Onur K

In terms of quality, I can say that it is the best course in Stuttgart. If you're coming here to have fun, I suggest you don't come. All the teachers prepare you for the Tesdaf exam and I don't understand why Deustchkolleg got so few comments. This year, they opened an Instagram page for the first time and started to be active on Facebook. Maybe that's why it's so little known to people. If you study for your lessons, do not go outside, do your

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Mahmood S

Die Lehrer sind sehr gut, aber die Rektorin Frau Körting ist überhaupt nicht professionell und behandelt die Schüler überhaupt schlecht! Wenn Sie einen Termin mit der Rektorin haben, rate ich Ihnen, Medikamente gegen Stress vorzubereiten, weil Sie können brauche sie wirklich! Denken Sie nicht, dass ich übertreibe!

kate z

强烈推荐哦!老师们都非常棒!价格公道,质量有保障,学习进步非常快👌👌 I learned from B2 to testDaF here. The teachers are super , very devoted into the teaching. We speak German during the course all the time, it was not a problem because the teachers made it easy for us by giving enough tipps. we need to get used to express in German in the end anyway. Writing as homework helps a lot, I am very happy about it. besides presentation program are assigned so we are forced to speak a

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Anh D

Ich bin sehr zufrieden, dass mein Deutsch besser wird 😁

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Leotrim H

Die beste kurs in Stuttgart !!

Shiyar S

Sehr gut... Hier kann man gut deutsch lernen...