Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Osnabrück
Anbieter in der Kategorie Wohnungsbaugesellschaft in Osnabrück
Letzte Positiv Bewertung
Top Genossenschaft! Uns wurde direkt nach dem ersten Gespräch eine modernisierte Wohnung in bester Lage (Wüste) zu einem vergleichsweise günstigen Preis angeboten. Seitdem wohnen wir dort und genießen weitere Vorteile als Mitglied. Schneller, netter Kontakt zu allen Mitarbeitern der WGO bisher. Zusätzlich gibt es Mitgliederfahrten und weitere top Angebote. Verglichen zu vorherigen Privatvermietern oder gewinnorientierten Gesellschaften ist die Genossenschaft echt ein Traum
Letzte Negativ Bewertung
Atrocious how they treat people at the WGO. I have only been permitted to visit one apartment since 2016 and in Schinkel, no less, because the WGO is in the opinion that my disabled son and I apparently don't belong in neighborhoods like the Wüste or the Westerberg, even though we have lived in these two parts of town for over 17 years, have a garden plot on Westerberg and are currently living in Hellern. The only apartment that I was shown, in Schinkel, stunk like nicotine and had black mold under the wallpaper, in all the external walls, which I photographed, to show to my family in the USA. When I asked if the apartment would be renovated, I was asked why. Do I really need to explain?! The whole experience was mind boggling to me. Since the WGO has made up their mind that we only belong in Schinkel, I have not been invited to view any properties in my desired areas, even though I have asked to view over 100 apartments since 2016. Every six months, you are required to go into the office, to fill in all of your information again, because they apparently delete you from their system, even though they have not permitted you to view a single apartment during this time period. Deciding for their potential customers, in which part of town they are better suited to live, is outrageous and not good customer service. You are their to please your customers, not the other way around. I am not going to beg to give someone money. After being brushed off for years, I will take my business somewhere else. Spare yourself the stress, time and rejection.