Wirtschaftsprüfungsunternehmen Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Berlin

Anbieter in der Kategorie Wirtschaftsprüfungsunternehmen in Berlin

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
54 Bewertungen
54 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Klingelhöferstr. 18 | 10785Berlin


Sneijder H auf

At first reading the terms seemed intimidating but the (Angel investor) was super patient and nice with me being a newbie and now i can recommend him to anyone looking for an online angel investor to invest with after I've successfully made a withdrawal of £7500 through crypto investment all within seven days trading. Contact him now: WhatsApp: +1 762-239-1392 or via his Email address: mathewnavas691@gmail.com


Eddie Y auf

My client n. End by 9171. I was paid the service fee more than a month ago, but the debt department sent an email over and over for unpaid bills. I was sent a few emails to the address provided in the letter. But no One replied. After that, I must call them to confirm they do receive the payment. The worse thing is that KPMG received the payment, but no one told the debt department, and the debt department did not even ask the finance department if they did receive the money or not, before acting like the mafia, Just send the email every week asking to pay as a scam company.

Neutral & Unabhängig

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