Versicherung Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Emmerich am Rhein

Anbieter in der Kategorie Versicherung in Emmerich am Rhein

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
33 Bewertungen
33 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Eltener Markt 15 | 46446Emmerich am Rhein


Roy V auf

Rainer is altijd meedenkend en leverd enorm goede service


Kamil W auf

Absolute lack of transparency during the purchase procedure. In our case the agency was authorised on paper to give us a call, in case we wanted to increase our offer. We clearly explained how important was this, to be successful and we were willing to do so. It had never happened and on my question why, the answer was - “we were thinking, you won’t like to offer more”, despite the fact they have known that we wanted to buy the house. We were also the first people to provide all the documents, they asked. The rule - the first - the better, doesn’t apply at this agency. The usual setup is to bring it to the situation that people are bidding but all the process is never exposed, unlike at many other agencies. That of course leads to many unpleasant situations. I strongly advice to skip this agency despite the fact the have many properties in the area. It seems to not represent interested of the buyers at all, despite hefty provision you need to pay in the end. We have got in contact with many other agencies in the area and rasch single one was way more transparent. Luckily for us all ended well with another real estate agent. We just really regret wasted time at nerves with Elsmann Immobilien.

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