Transportunternehmen Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Wendelstein

Anbieter in der Kategorie Transportunternehmen in Wendelstein

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
58 Bewertungen
58 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Richtweg 96 | 90530Wendelstein
Heute:08:00 - 18:00


Stefan S auf

Sehr guter Service und Top Dienstleistung. Danke


Jakub G auf

Worst experience ever. Seriously, through my whole career in transportation, working on different markets, never been treated worse. I see on the other comments they work as a carrier. Been surprised by that, as i have taken loads from them for my trucks. Transport order that was supposed to take 2 days took 4 instead, they changed loading place at the day of loading, didn't load us in the agreed date, load dimensions were wrong, they mixed addresses for custom office, resulting us making extra 100 kms through switzerland, postponed offloading for an extra day and refused to pay a single penny. Nothing. Person i worked with texted me with Perfect english, but when he picked up the phone, he kept saying he doesn't speak english and needs to use translator... Waste of time, money and nerves. Oh the nerve he had... Avoid at all cost!

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