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Part 1 :: Dr. Ardhendu Sekhar Chatterjee. mob= 9836573034 According to Stedman’s Medical Dictionary “ First Aid“ means—Immediate assistance administered in the case of injury or sudden illness by a bystander or other layperson, before the arrival of trained medical personnel. ( 26 ed.. page-654). In Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary first aid means - Emergency care and treatment of an injured person before complete medical and surgical treatment can be secured,( page 250, 21 th edn). It sometimes considered that the use of homeopathic remedy by the non-medical person or by a hand trained person may help to popular of this low-cost medical science, and to reach in the bed to the kitchen , but, in my opinion, the scope of use of the word: First Aid: in Homoeopathy is very tough. Because Homoeopathy is extremely curative therapy, based on the law of similia, similibus, current ( The Organon = Ap. 26 ). Here nothing more special/extra/ a systematic / only relieving applicable method of medicine are propagating. According to Hahnemann, a homeopathic doctor must have to combat the diseases in different ways. These are:- (1) Medicinal therapy (a) for Acute problems, threat the patients according to the then present symptoms ( The Organon=Ap,=221,234—244; Kent’s phil.- figure out from local manifestation to general -page 212); (b) for chronic cases , treat the cases according to mental and physical symptoms( The Organon- Ap.= 213, 153; Kent’s phil.- two or three peculiar strong uncommon striking symptoms forms the characteristic page 204,; one strong general can overruled by all the particular symptoms, p- 210). After reliving the acute condition, we must have to remove the basic cause / miasmatic dyscrasia/ familial indisposition/genetic-multifactorial-hereditary diseases present in the family/ socioeconomic/anthropo-geo-genic preponderance indicated, otherwise the disease process may reoccur or activated hidden. (2) Treat the patient according to \External Measure. ( The Organon Ap.-7, 186). According to the situation, Hahnemann was busy to discover the medicines. His time and scope of establishment of Homoeopathy along with the surgical process was practically nil, but as a real genuine fellow of medical science He not ignore this at all. (3)Follow the therapy better than to use of non-verified medicine as mesmerism, magnetism, bathing in particular water (The Organon—Ap.-285---291). Within this time (1810---2011) a little advancement of Homoeopathy along with surgical and external manipulation system being progressed. The reason is, we, the so-called modern doctors do like to follow the western achievements in every respect. As due to the repeated world ware the pattern of life of the west being changed, anyhow early and quick relieve ( even to enjoy the present moments only ) is the only motto, the result-oriented discussion-based therapy was not taken as to propagate. But the endeavors being launched with Drs S.P. Dey, F.J. Master, Prodosh Majumder and other panoramic, paramount personalities, though a few steps but surely showing some bright rays in the dark sky of the east. PRACTICAL DISCUSSION:- Homeopathy may save a life or reduce the suffering more quickly if we are careful. Careful means adhering the following rules:- *Remember we are responsible for the patient, whenever we are applying for any medicine. * First priorities should be given on breathing, state of consciousness or any continuous bleeding. Next – checking of blood pressure, condition of pulse, anemia, jaundice, edema, clubbing, etc must be followed as quickly as possible. * Serious ill patient must be kept lying down if any breathing difficulty, raise the patient's head and shoulder, search a comfortable position and allow it. *Don’t move seriously injured patients, but turn their head on the side, that may help to breathe easily. * If the patient is vomiting, turn him on the side, to keep the throat clear. * Keep the patient cover and warm. * If there are signs of collapse ( pale skin, sweating rapid pulse, raise the patients' feet and lower the head. More important, keep the patient lying down. * In case of the trauma of head, chest, spine, and abdomen, be careful more and gentle * Never leave a case seriously ill or injured, until hospitalized. Below we are discussing some conditions where we must advise the patient to hospitalized. If the treatment is declined, responsible family members possibly the first-grade relative, should be given clear instructions about the need for and manner of, checking the patient at regular hourly intervals and for obtaining regular medical help is necessary. As a living object, we cannot close our eyes in such a serious time, moreover, these conditions may appear in our family too. So to think about it or to offer some minimum help to our nearest one, some name of medicine along with this chart is giving, which I verified to some extent. The name of the medicine given is to propagate a thread of thought only. A worthy reader must have to follow the group of every medicine present in repertory, especially in Synthesis in support of Kent’s Materia Medica. The potency of the medicine that I have written, also the same and should be applied according to the formula present in The Organon Ap-246 –270.. During the treatment, a doctor must sure about any obstacle to the action of the medicine. In any serious condition it is better to weight at least two to five minutes for further repetition, and least to weight five to ten minutes to change the medicine. .At that time following the KENT S theory “ Prognosis After Observing the Action of the Remedy “ has to be followed along with regular checking of blood pressure, temp. pulse, condition of the heart, lungs, consciousness, etc and other general condition as quickly as possible. The doctor has to be judged first about any improvements. If possible call another doctor for any help. 1) Bite- Snake or other ( ACONITE 200 repeated-dose two/five/fifteen minutes interval– to controlled fear/neurogenic shock ). 2) Attempt to Homicide ( ACON 200, ( fear/neurogenic shock), CHINA- 6 (oligemic shock ) repeated dose ( hemorrhagic s.), suicide ((AURUM MET 200 only dose) 3) For anti-tetanus activities, in any case, while we have no medico-legal formulation.(HYPERICUM-1m,10m,50m, repeated-dose fifteen minutes to one or four hours interval. 4) Burn extensive type ( CANTHARIS 1m fifteen minute to one /four-hour interval, with the intermediate of HYPERICUM, ACON, and CAN 1x external surrounding part of the burn. 5) Acute mania while violence is present ( STRAM, 30 at two/four-hour intervals) 6) Convulsion –( without temperature CICUTA 200, CAUST 200, CUP M 6 #with fever BELL, STRAM 200,five/fifteen minute intervals. 7) Unconscious –If the patient is breathing, blood pressure and the pulse is under controlled, then only can prescribe medicine. In-home ( history of tension - IGN 1m, without any cause - GELS 1m), in street ( ACON 200) Unconscious from pain + VALER, HEP SUL., NUX MOS. PHYTO; from the pain of heard =AUR. MET.. See latter the further discussion. Coma –( HELLEBORE- 6, APIS M 30). 8) Congenital problems like V S D / A S D ( where fear of death/anxiety is present ARS ALB 6, CARBO VEG- 6/3x - two/five/fifteen/one-hour intervals. 9) Some other disease process likes: -(a) Status Asthmaticus = ARS ALB -6. ARS IOD -6, CARBO VEG- 3x,6; (b) Malignant Hypertension =asymptomatic—ARNICA MONT 1m, # according to symptoms like vertigo relieved lying on chest IGNATIA 1m, lying on back- STRAM 200, lying on left- ACID MUR 1m, lying on right - LACH 1m ,KALI IOD 200, lying and closing eyes - LAC DEFLOR 200; chest/ cardiac pain with agony – ACON 200, relieved by external pressure NAT MUR 200; (c)= Hypo-tension –SULPH 30; (d) Bradycardia—CROT HOR 0/1, KALMIA 200,; (e)- Tachycardia—lying on left -LIL TIG 200, lying on right—GLON 30,LACH 200 or any of above HBP,chest pain related medicines; (f) Arrhythmic pulse/heart—NAJA 200; (g) high temperature --adult- 104. child-103; long-lasting STRAM-0/2---0/5, acute condition –ACON 30/200, BRYO – 200. (h)dehydration –with cramp CUP MET 6 /30, VER, ALB 0/1--- 0/5, 6, with – prostration CHINA 6, 0/1—0/5, 10) Poisoning:- violent vomiting, purging with tachycardia- PYROGEN 200 – 50m, with bradycardia – CROT H o/1—0/5,--200. FIRST AID IN HOMOEOPATHY 2019 Part 2:: Dr. Ardhendu Sekhar Chatterjee. mob= 9836573034 Simple First Aid process that could be taken by a health worker or even by patient concern, just before arrival a doctor or sent to the nearest health care system, 1) TRAUMA:-- a) Simple Injury - ARNICA MONT. 200, 1000 internally and ARNICA 1x/Q externally. b) Violent injury---ACONITE 200 internally and ARNICA 1x ext.. c) Bony injury--- SYMPHYTUM 1m internal and 1x external. d) Eye Injury:- Same as bone injury. 2) BURN:_ CANTHARIS 1m internally and CANTH. 1x externally only on surrounding part of the burn. 3) CUTTING INJURY:-- STAPHY 200/1m four-dose at 15-minute intervals, then after one-hour HYPERICUM 10m 30 minutes intervals four doses, As an external medicine FERRUM PHOS 3x especially for babies and inner mouth, and CALENDULA 1x is helpful. 4) BITE;-- (a) Only to prevent neurogenic shock, in any suspected or confirm snake or dog bite ACONITE 200 6/8 doses, 15 minutes interval, can relieve the agony of the future. (b) Any poisonous biting to relieve the burning pain LEDUM PAL 200,1m, 10m 15 minutes interval, and LED. P. 1x external often causes down of the situation. 5) UNCONSCIOUSNESS without cause in-home IGNATIA 1m, GELSE 0/10, fifteen minutes intervals six doses. In street;; ACONITE 200 five minutes two or four doses and ARNICA 1x ext. to scalp effective. 6) BABY CRYING with restlessness;- CHAMOMILLA 30, five to fifteen minute intervals of eight doses. 7) HYPERPYREXIA:--ACONITE NAP 200 (anhidrosis, restless, thirsty) fifteen minutes to the one-hour interval. BELLADONNA 200 ( sweating, sleepy ), same process. 8) FEBRILE CONVULSION;- CICUTA VER 200, four doses at two minutes intervals, with the application of ice/ heavy washing of the head. 9) ANTI- Tetanus Measure ;HYPERICUM 200/1m/10m/50m, fifteen minutes to four hour intervals. 10) Gas, Respiratory distress at midnight – ARS ALB 6, CARBO VEG 3x/6. 11) Retention of Urine of old – SABAL SER.1x five drop at five to fifteen-minute intervals,, ACON 200 fifteen minutes intervals. The VIOLENT patient comes with, and we have to offer our immediate FIRST AID 1) ACUTE DISEASES or persisting acute conditions like Hyperpyrexia; Sunstroke –ACON 30.200, BELL 200. GLON. 200; Rhinitis – ACON, RHUS TOX -6,; Acute respiratory tract infection – severe breathing difficulties ACON -, wants fanning CARBO VEG 3x,6, h/o of application of suppressive measure like use of nasal drop/ anti-cough syrup/rubbing of row mustard oil – LACH 0/1—0/5; severe wheeze –SPONGIA 6x; Acute abd. --likes severe abdominal pain with thirst NUX VOM 30-1m, without thirst – PULSATILLA 30 – 1m, with bending forward – COLOCYNTH- 200; Acute diarrhea/dysentery – ACONITE 30-200, Appendicitis - BELL 10m, 50m Retention of urine of baby/newborn – SULPH 30. ACON-30; Acute Skin Infection like carbuncle – pain - relieved by gentle rubbing - TARANTULA C. 1m, burning relieved by external cold – APIS 30, burning pain relieved by external heat ARS ALB 6, ANTHRACINUM 1m.; Otalgia - better to lie on affected side LACH 200, better to lie on opposite side – LAC CAN 0/5---0/10, BELL- 200. Odontalgia – same medicine according to; modalities. 2) ACUTE PROBLEMS OF CHRONIC PATIENTS:- ( a) G I TRACT DISORDERS--- Severe vomiting with prostration, cramp—CHINA 6, VERAT ALB o/1—o/5 Induced vomiting , - on entering the finger within throat – NUX VOM 200- 1m, Undigested vomiting- just after eating FERRUM MET/PHOS 30 ; after two to three hour of eating - SULPH 200, KREOSOTE 200 , after 24 hours BISMUTH 6, 30; Black vomiting – CADMIUM SULPH 30, ARS ALB 6, 30. (b) METABOLIC EMERGENCIES;- Gall bladder colic- pain in right hypochondrium better to lie on the abdomen - COLO- 200, on -left side - BELL 200, on the right side - NUX VOM 200 -- 1m—10m, on back – SANICULA 200, NAT SULPH 200, o/5,. Uric Acid complaints i.e. pain swelling of the root of the great toe or thumbs - BELL 200, KALI IOD 200, 0/1---0/5, BELL 1x as external. Diabetic complications like – vertigo, prostration CHIN. SULPH 200, LYCO 30 – 200, Hypoglycemic shock- profuse intake of glucose, CARBO VEG 30—200. ( c ) RESPIRATORY TRACT DISORDERS:- C.O.P.D. with or without Tb. , Cancer -- wants hard fanning CARBO VEG 6, 3x; wants slow fanning – LACH 0/1—0/5, early morning aggravation and wants warm drinks – SPONGIA 6x; wants to lie on affected side – KALI CARB 6, 0/1; better to lie on unaffected side ARS ALB/IOD 6, 0/1-0/2 , and as above. ( d ) CARDIOVASCULAR EMERGENCIES:- Acute cardiac problems like the pain of heart due to infarction, angina pectoris, etc - patient tosses with agony and fear of death – ACON 200 five minutes interval., feels better by the pressure of hand NAT MUR 200. five minute to two-hour intervals. Hypertension – Vertigo etc. see as above. Fear of death - ARS ALB ( e ) URINARY TRACT EMERGENCIES :-- Edema, Nephrotic syndrome, Anasarca, Uremia :-scanty urine, profuse thirst APOCYNUM 3x; thirstlessness scanty urine , hot patient –APIS MEL 0/1—0/3; chilly patient ARS ALB 0/1—0/3, with polyuria and polydipsia`- ACETIC ACID 0/1, 30; Renal colic :- strangury with or without burning- CANTHARIS 3x ,pain at the close of urination – SARSAP. 30 – 200; pain from right renal angle to lower part – BERB VAL 3x; from left renal angle to lower – PERIA BRAVA 6, 30, Retention without cause – SOLIDAGO 30 five minute to four hours intervals retention from enlarged prostate SABAL SER 1x, five minutes to one hour interval; urine passes on standing – SARSAP 200 four doses at 30 minute intervals. Any chronic case, where fear of death is developed ARS ALB 6 repeated doses shows good relief. SEE THE NEX . 3) Road ACCIDENT / TRAUMA etc:- A) HEAD INJURY / TRAUMA is the most common cause of death of young people and the head injury became a factor of half of these trauma-related case. Danger signs are (a) loss of consciousness for more than 1-2 minutes; (b) post-traumatic anesthesia; (c) altered level of consciousness/lethargy; (d) focal neurological deficits, improper ballooning of face, pareses, weakness of extreme ties; (e) vomiting; (f) mental alteration/ lethargy; (g) absence of skull fracture does not mean the no possibilities of severe head injury. Treatment:- Verification of Homoeopathy in such cases is not yet been established, I and treated some numbers of vomiting developed after the trauma that controlled by NAT SUL 30 repeated doses internally and ARNICA MONT 1x externally and 1m internally in unconscious cases and the patient was cured. B) SPINAL TRAUMA: -any higher degree trauma may cause a fracture, dislocation followed by compression or angular deformity. Symptoms may develop early or late. Signs may be as (a) loss of sensation below the level of the lesion; ( b) urinary, fecal retention; ( c ) hypotension; ( d ) spastic paraplegia or quadriplegia; ( e ) flaccid paralysis. Any lesser degree of injury may cause mild limb weakness, distal sensory disturbance, urinary urgency, and urinary incontinence Treatment:- Immobilization and anatomic realignment with the spinal cord by traction is essential. Primary Homoeo-care may begin with ACONITE 200 six to ten doses followed by HYPERICUM 1m six to ten doses fifteen minutes to one-hour interval proves effective in many cases. Then according to the symptoms of urinary problems BELLS PER 30- 200, CAUSTICUM 30 - 200, or for constipation that developed after trauma CUP MET 6-200, PLUMBUM MET 6 - 200, OPIUM 6 may help us. C) EYE TRAUMA:- If there is any foreign body within the eye that should be removed by proper guidance. In the case of bland trauma or redness developed after trauma, externally SYMPHYTOM 1x surrounding the eyes, and SYMP. 1m, 10m repeated-dose cured many cases including corneal opacity. D) DRAWING:- Fourth leading cause of accidental death of the U.S.A. About 10% of victims develop laryngospasms after the first gulp and never aspirate water, then hypoxemia, ineffective circulation, brain injury, and brain death may take place within 5 – 10 minutes. The first requirements of rescue are an administration of oxygen at the highest available concentration, end tracheal intubations and mechanical ventilation is essential. Where the pulse is absent, respiration also stopped immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ), in proper care and guidance is essential. ACONITE 30, 200 repeated dose may help to remove the psychological effect. E) ELECTRICAL and LIGHTNING INJURY;-- It is also another type of injury always comes with violence. CPR is instituted if breathing and pulses are absent. That should be continued as long as there is no clinical evidence of brain death, Hydration therapy should have to be followed with proper guidance. ACON 200 repeated doses not only helps to cure insomnia, c.o.p.d. but also cured many cases of delayed healing of an ulcer. CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION ( CPR ) WITH ACONITE-30/2oo Restoration of cardiac output and pulmonary ventilation following cardiac arrest and apnea, using artificial respiration and manual closed-chest compression or open-chest massage Where to think or do===patient is in unconscious state----- 1) Talk to the patient to perceive his level of consciousness, 2) Lose the patients tight clothing 3) Be sure the patient is breathing--. 4) The muscles of the unconscious person are completely relaxed and jaws may be fixed. In such condition 5) If the patient stops breathing, make sure that the air passage is open ( nothing food, dirt, vomit present). Clean the throat if necessary. 6) Then kneel next to the patient's head. 7) Put one head on the patient's forehead and the other under patients' chin. If the patient is wearing dentures, remove them. 8) Lift the lower jaw of the patient upward and tilt the head backward until the chin is higher than the nose, which makes the air passage free by lifting the tongue away from the back of the throat ( fig --1). 9) Close the nose by finger, and hold the jaw up with another hand, give mouth to nose or mouth to mouth artificial respiration at the rate of 12—15 breath per minute / 5 seconds intervals. In the case of babies, it should be at 3 /three-second intervals. 10) If the patient starts breathing, and if the injury is not serious too, turn him into the lateral safety position ( fig-2 ). WHEN THE HEART STOPS (With ACONITE 30/200) - Start as quickly as possible Examine the carotid (neck ) artery for the pulse. If this is absent;;------ 1) Turn the patient on his BACK supine ( fig. --3) 2) Open the air passages ( use an artificial airway and bag and mask with oxygen if available. 3) Place both hands flat on the lower end of the sternum ( one hand above the other) ( fig.-4) 4) Keep your arms straight above the sternum. Press straight down. 80 compressions per minute ( adults) with full relaxation in between each compression. 5) In the case of INFANTS, 100/hundreds compressions per minute :=: use fingertips to compress. ( fig -5) Too hard press on a baby or small child is also dangerous. Every discussion also useful during processing a case, later, as a past history we have to consider this and to select a remedy. Many tenths of cases I have applied a remedy following these examples and relieved the case. SOME EMERGENT CARDIAC CASE HISTORIES:- 1. One early morning, one of my neighbors called me on pushing the calling bell very roughly, he did not wait, constantly pushing the bell. Hurriedly I opened the door, the patient came and constantly wanting some gas-relieving remedy quickly with the high voice. He was very restless, even not allowing me to examine his B.P., pulse etc..He could not stand, used to tosses with his agony, I applied ACON 200, at 2-minute intervals. After 10 minutes, he got some relieve, better to talk totally relieved then admitted to a hospital. The case was diagnosed as Acute Endocarditis 2. I had relieved some numbers of cases, of precordial pain by NAT MUR 200. I had relieved a patient where also the man was very restless, had fear of death, ACON relieved then relapse, ARS also relieved a great extent but the pain persisting then NAT MUR applied and cured. 3. One member of our association had an episode of convulsion, with varying the pulse from 40 - 80. Every episode used to appeared at ten to fifteen-minute intervals, and persist for three to five minutes, every time the patient used to bend to the right side. With my than minimum knowledge, I prescribed LACH 1/0 and raised the power at short intervals. His convulsion stopped, later diagnosed as a case of heart block. Later I had also treated a case of heart block of an old of 65 years. Symptoms were convulsion with low pulse rate—CROT HOR 200 / 0/1 – 0/5 at too short intervals stopped his convulsion 4. I had a case of cardiac pathology. H/O cardiac pain and history of unconsciousness developed here and there. According to the mental rubrics of Kent Unconsciousness with pain = HEP SUL. , PHYTO. , VALER NUX MOS, I considered H.S. in support of there indications and the patient relieved. 5. A widow of 65 (K/D/ 1036) came on 16 02 06 with Tachycardia(132 p.m.) HBP ( 189/90) Raised ASO ( 800 ), Uric acid ( 6.75) and other symptoms. She used to lie on back. I applied LIL TIG 200 four doses and was relieved then cured 6. Our father also had an Acute Cardiac Symptoms. ARNICA M. 1m prescribed by Dr. Dilip Bose, Then Dr. S. P. Dey treated the case. Later she also developed CVA. LACH 1m two-dose down his blood pressure BOTHROPS 30 four doses allowed him to talk. Practically from this accident, I developed the tackling capacity of a cardiac emergency. It is our fate. All the cheep has three definite dimensions (1) one can misunderstand, (2) misbehave easily, (3) even one may demand money after money, but no one would excuse even with a drop of tear at your termination. About The Writer;; Ardhendu Sekhar Chatterjee cte (cteindiahomoeopathy 9836573034) is practicing in JEEVAN DEEP Kabiguru Rabindra Path P.O. KANCHRAPARA Pin. 743145, 24 pgs. W.Bengal for 36 years. His previous articles being published in also The Heritage .searching the original gift of HAHNEMANN to the sick humanity through the cure of patients. THANKS… M=9836573034 mob= 9836573034


Frauke auf

Es folgt eine Bewertung, die nicht direkt etwas mit dem Theater zu tun hat, jedoch dafür gesorgt hat, dass ich dort niemals einen Fuß hineinsetzen werde. Mein Freund und ich wollten in der Pizzeria nebenan etwas essen und waren auf der Suche nach einem Parkplatz. Da mein Freund Rollstuhlfahrer ist und die Behindertenparkplätze vor dem Theater frei waren, wollten wir dort parken. Wir hatten nicht gesehen (es war dunkel), dass diese Parkplätze nur für Besucher des Theaters bestimmt sind. Wir rangierten noch mit dem Auto, als plötzlich aus dem Nichts Frau Wollrath-Kramer auftauchte und direkt lospolterte "Machen Sie, dass Sie wegkommen, das ist mein Parkplatz!" Ich war verwirrt und fragte, ob es Anwohnerparkplätze seien und dass dort kein Nummernschild angebracht sei. Daraufhin motzte die Dame: "Das ist mein Theater und jetzt weg!". Mein Freund erklärte ihr das Versehen mit dem Hinweis, dass er Rollstuhlfahrer sei und dass sie ja Recht habe, aber es auch hätte freundlicher sagen könne und dass er ihr ja nichts getan habe. Wir würden wegfahren. "Solange ich hier stehe, kommen Sie nicht raus!" war die Antwort. "Hauen Sie ab!". Bitte was ist das für eine Art und ein Benehmen? Wenn jemand so schlecht erzogen ist und keinerlei Benehmen an den Tag legt, frage ich mich, wie diese Dame ein Theater führen kann. Höflichkeit sollte keine Kunst sein. Niemals werde ich je dort hingehen. Es war eine bodenlose Frechheit.

162 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Pestalozzistr. 21 | 44793Bochum


Karolin J auf

Super Anbindung und nette Atmosphäre


Michael B auf

Nichts los

2440 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Herner Str. 299 | 44809Bochum


Michael G auf

Das aktuelle Programm ist super


Pe auf

Wir waren gestern nachmittag mit Tochter und zwei Enkelinnen in der Vorstellung. Die Artistik und Akrobatiknummern fanden wir allesamt sehr sehenswert und wirklich toll ausgeführt. Die beiden Gitarristen und Sänger waren in ihrem Metier, singen und Gitarre spielen, wirklich gut. Allerdings - die Moderation mit Scherzen und Anspielungen auf Stammtischniveau waren einfach nur platt und überhaupt nicht zeitgemäß. Wir konnten darüber nicht lachen. Da hatten wir eine gute Comedy erwartet, die wurde uns doch versprochen! Viele Grüße, Petra und Familie

176 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Prinz-Regent-Str. 50-60 | 44795Bochum


R. S auf

Immer wieder gerne.


Uwe R auf

Grenzwertige Anfahrt, unmöglicher Parkplatz. Man ist versucht, gleich wieder weg zu fahren und würde dann das mitunter spannende Programm verpassen.

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