Rauchen & Tabak Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Recklinghausen

Anbieter in der Kategorie Rauchen & Tabak in Recklinghausen

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
288 Bewertungen
288 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Herner Str. 24 | 45657Recklinghausen
Heute:10:00 - 19:00


Pasta R auf

Große Auswahl und nette Mitarbeiter.


James J auf

There is one employee here that’s always racist to me I don’t know the name because he is always discriminating me and raising his voice and mocking and when I speak English he speaks German a couple time with raised voice and then speak in English like what the hell I was an ordinary customer who shops approximately 60-70€ monthly and this employee always racist towards me in all that time there is also a time were i called the company headquarters and they fixed it the company is great but that shop in here with that employee makes me never wanna shop from them ever again even if I have to ride a bus for 30 minutes

Neutral & Unabhängig

30+ Bewertungsportale

Unterstützt durch KI

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