Pilates-Studio Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Darmstadt

Anbieter in der Kategorie Pilates-Studio in Darmstadt

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
16 Bewertungen
16 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Heinrichstr. 117 | 64283Darmstadt
Heute:09:30 - 10:45, 17:45 - 21:45


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Tolles Team, super organisiert



My sister is South Korean(I'm Korean too) and she went to register pilates yesterday. Other korean who speaks fluent German went with my sister to help registration because my sister can't speak German. Before they visited there, they called a worker to ask about when pilates class starts that day and the worker said that my sister can take the class now. However, when they visited there, the worker said they have to wait an hour and half until the pilates class starts. It seemed some people are taking class at the moment as the worker said on the phone but the worker didn't want to let her to take the class with others after she saw my sister. My sister wanted to ask about how much the class costs and another Korean woman asked that in German. The worker said if my sister doesn't have money, she better go to other place. In addition, the worker asked my sister whether she will pay and register right now with upset voice(the worker seemed annoyed). My sister felt so bad and it hurt her. The worker didn't tell my sister correct class time and didn't say sorry to make her wait for long. Even more the worker looked down on my sister because she can't speak German and is from other country where the worker thinks one of poor countries. I'm so disappointed and angry at her. I'm wondering how much she knows about my sister and South Korea. I'm so thankful for her kindness and understanding regarding foreigner who decided to Germany to learn German as well as to know about people and culture. I highly recommend this yoga center if you wanna get motivation to improve German asap because the worker has taught me to survive and be respected in Germany as a foreigner you need to speak fluent German, or you must be German. Thank you the worker.

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