Paarberater Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Berlin

Anbieter in der Kategorie Paarberater in Berlin

Insgesamt haben wir
3 Anbieter
26 Bewertungen
Pestalozzistraße 84 | 10627Berlin


Tom S auf

Die Location des "MH English speaking Clinical Psychologist - Therapist - Sexologist" ist in einem beeindruckend schönen Gebäude untergebracht. Was mir besonders positiv aufgefallen ist, war die aufmerksame und engagierte Art der Therapeutin. Sie hat sich Zeit genommen, zuzuhören und meine Sorgen und Gedanken zu verstehen. Am wichtigsten jedoch war, dass ich endlich eine psychologische Diagnose erhalten habe. Dies hat einen großen Beitrag geleistet, um meine Situation besser zu verstehen und mögliche nächste Schritte zu planen. Insgesamt war es eine sehr positive Erfahrung.


Serkan U auf

I do not understand all this perfect reviews I would give her 2 stars at best. It was ok because she was nice and respectful. But could not help me with many issues i have. Hopefully it don't get deleted again.

Mommsenstr. 34 | 10629Berlin


Leonie M auf

Ich möchte mich auf diesem Wege nochmals herzlich bedanken. Es hat wirklich gut getan

6 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Kronenstraße 4 | 10117Berlin


GiuliaP auf

Julia's method with us was really effective. I loved how the focus was on the time in between sessions (3-4 weeks), with "homework" to do as a couple or individually in view of the next session. This made us feel empowered along the process, and allowed us to test things out by ourselves rather than relying only on a moderator only. I believe that we achieved results faster this way; after 3 sessions we felt we could continue independently. Personally, we connected so well with Julia, felt that she had the back of both of us, but at the same time she was keeping us in line! She can be a little "tough love", and maybe not everyone likes that style, but it was helpful in order to open our eyes and make us confront certain realities. I've been to other therapists before where I felt direction-less and that they were just diving me deeper into my own perspectives. Julia is different, you may or may not like what she has to say, but she will trigger a reaction and there'll be something in it for you to work on. I found her always respectful and light hearted. A few months on, we're still using some of the techniques Julia taught us and would not think twice about returning to Julia if needed again in the future.Would most warmly recommend her to any couple in Berlin or also remotely (our sessions were all remote and it still worked very well).


Dan S auf

Ive given it a few weeks since our last session to decide to write this. In fact, I wrote a negative review on ProvenExpert that she blocked (she blocks all her neg reviews, and has more anonymous reviews than anyone on the site.) Without boring you with the details of our horrifying session, I felt Julia's ego was involved in every moment of our time with her. She was hostile, did not listen, drove wedges between us when we were in crisis and always had a drippingly condescending tone to her feedback. In short, she is the opposite of what you hope to find in a couple's therapist and though I do not blame her for our marriage not working out, she could've helped us at a crucial moment that I will always regret wasn't more productive. Instead, she blamed me for all our issues (believe me, Im imperfect, but this was obviously silly) and then followed up with TWO emails repeating the same thing to my wife. She told us individual therapy was only for the mentally ill and said I was calling my wife nuts by telling her she could benefit from her own therapy (Ive done it for 10 years). She refused to see us more than once a month and cut us off mid-stories, constantly, to get to overly simplistic pre-prepared lectures that didn't benefit us much. I'm posting this not to be vindictive, but because I know how vulnerable couple's are when they get to this point and I truly wish someone considering her would look elsewhere. Good luck to you, if reading this <3

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