Oralchirurg Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Erlangen

Anbieter in der Kategorie Oralchirurg in Erlangen

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
36 Bewertungen
Hauptstr. 91 | 91054Erlangen


Julius L auf

Die Praxis ist sehr schön, mit modernsten Geräten ausgestattet und sehr ansprechend gestaltet. Ich wurde von Frau Dr. Schneider-Greiner behandelt, sie war sehr sanft und professionell, fragte immer wieder ob es einem gut geht und stellte sicher, dass man keine Schmerzen hat- Perfekt für jeden Angsthasen. Auch in Ästhetik steht sie ganz oben! Meine Zähne sehen nun großartig aus! Ich bin begeistert und kann sie jedem weiterempfehlen.


hl h auf

It was the worst experience in Germany with the doctor. Common teeth cleaning cost me nearly 500 euro and she gave me the bill more than one month later, so that I did not have time to argue with her (because I need to leave Germany and I told her the time). I can not speak German, but when I come to her, I emphasized many many times that I only wanted common teeth clean, which was covered by the insurance. However, she did some more than the cleaning, but also Teeth whitening without my consent, which the insurance did not refund the money!!! So I do not recommend this doctor. Or think about if you will like me to pay 500 euros just for cleaning teeth or not? More, on 27th of March 2023, I received an email from Google saying that someone complained that my review was infringing. I have already replied to Google, and I have very good evidence to prove the fact of the review. I think that when you check the comments, you can also check the interval time between comments and the number of likes to make a better judgment.

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