Musikschule Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Ramstein-Miesenbach

Anbieter in der Kategorie Musikschule in Ramstein-Miesenbach

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1 Anbieter
35 Bewertungen
35 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
American Business Centre, Ziegelhütte 2 | 66877Ramstein-Miesenbach


Terri S auf

SW has become a second home for my children and I…we are all taking classes with Andrea (“Andi”) and could not be happier with our progress. My youngest daughter (9) is taking piano, singing, and German lessons: her ability, confidence, and self esteem has grown remarkably in the last year and a half with Andi. My oldest daughter (11) has a rare genetic mutation that presents with ADHD, ASD, and Intellectual Disability…unfortunately, she has been unable to tap into the traditional school curriculum for reading, writing, and mathematics. However, Andi works with her twice a week through music therapy and is able to connect with her on a level no other teacher or special educator has achieved yet! :) She uses rhythm and creativity to help her learn how to read, spell, and solve math problems. All of which she had been unable to grasp before attending SW. It truly is incredible the progress my children have made in the last year and half because of Andi! ❤️ They are always so excited to go to class and they have so much fun with her - her energy is contagious! As for me, I couldn’t imagine learning the German language from anyone else…Andi’s energetic and enthusiastic teaching style truly emulates her love of teaching and the German language. Her diverse background as a Spanish speaker from Bolivia who spent her childhood learning English as a second language in the United States and then moving to Germany to learn yet another language as an adult has made her well equipped to teach such a difficult language in a unique and effective way. Because of her history, she can easily relate to the questions and struggles that arise while trying to understand German grammar…she is immediately able to give English examples that follow the same rules and help you grasp the concepts very quickly. My confidence, knowledge, and pronunciation is complimented everywhere I go. People can’t believe that I’ve only been taking classes twice a week for the last 8 months! I’m encouraged and excited to keep working with Andi and plan on continuing through both A and B level testing. She has become an integral part of our family and our experience here in Germany would absolutely not be as enjoyable as it has been without her in our lives. We love SW! 🥰


Stefano M auf

I attended the German language course A2.2 and what I experienced was incredible: 90% of the talking was in English, therefore one rarely hears and practices German. The teacher, during class, was constantly speaking about her private business with one of the students (things like where to buy a good coffee machine, where to go drinking, shopping etc., always in English). In one lesson the teacher, during a difficult exercise she gave us, went to the keyboard (which is in the adjacent room that has no door, acoustically is like one single room with the language classroom) and started to play and sing! In another class she showed up ill, she coughed and sneezed all the time, nonetheless, she asked us to sit in the 1st row, right in front of her, and the following week I was sick too! Another time she ate lunch in front of us. Homework speaking: she corrected the homework only once, other times she'd find excuses not to do so, or would just leave her book on the desk for us to see the correct answers, whilst she would leave the class. I didn’t have the chance to understand my mistakes. One homework she gave us was to call each other and have a conversation in German. Naturally, none of us picked up the phone, for the simple reason that speaking a language we didn’t know without the supervision of the teacher (and therefore the possibility of being corrected) didn’t make sense. On top of that, the other two students (who were attending the course way longer than myself) had a very low German level, quite lower than mine. I complained about this type of homework directly with the teacher on my/her WhatsApp, saying that I didn’t want to practice conversations without her supervision, and with students who knew German less than me (one of them would not even try to speak German, she would simply speak English). The teacher forwarded my complaint to the WhatsApp class group, the other two students got offended and I looked like the bad guy; even though it was a PRIVATE conversation between the teacher and me. To sum up: if you want to learn German, AVOID this school!

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