Lymphdrainagetherapeut Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Bremen
Anbieter in der Kategorie Lymphdrainagetherapeut in Bremen
Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
mit89 Bewertungen
89 Bewertungen aus 3 Quellen
Am Wall 149 -150 | 28195Bremen
Letzte Positiv Bewertung
Adina G auf
Letzte Negativ Bewertung
Julia D auf
Extremely rude and unprofessional owner. I had wonderful experience with Razman, one of the physiotherapists, but then had to make an appointment with her. She doesn't know what physiotherapie is, she did much worse than it was before and I had pain in my neck for two days, she shouted like crazy, slammed the door and looked very hysterical. NEVER EVER make an appointment with her, even if there are available time slots!!! Apart from that, Razman and the reception staff are very kind, professional and it was always a pleasure to deal with them.