Hausverwaltungsunternehmen Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Uelzen

Anbieter in der Kategorie Hausverwaltungsunternehmen in Uelzen

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
77 Bewertungen
77 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Dieterichsstraße 27 | 29525Uelzen


Nutz A auf

Sehr freundlicher Kontakt und sehr kompetenter Berater.


Hawar B auf

After my review I got an email from the company they say they are only doing the management for this garbage building and they don’t actually own it. Although this way the actual owner is staying anonymous but the only contact person is from cobus and not anyone else. For this reason they requested me to delete my rating, I am not going to remove my rating until they clearly provide the real owner, and compensate my losses. I have been reporting to Cobus and warning them for what is going on for about one year but actually situation got much worse since Cobus declared that they are the only contact person regarding the building, I clearly asked them last summer to do something before winter comes. But they always send people they bring down all the dirts of the roof and leave it for me to clean!!! A river floods in the cellar for three months and no one care, all my furniture that was waiting in cellar for a renovation are broken in the flood. All windows and the roof is broken, heating expenses are too high due to destroyed isolation and broken windows and doors,animals are nesting under the rooftop. Soon “the current unknown owner”will sell it to another partner company before completing two years this way every company are able to make profit out of garbage and without being obliged to fix the building!!!

Neutral & Unabhängig

30+ Bewertungsportale

Unterstützt durch KI

Über 20 Mio. Bewertungen