Haus- & Gartendienstleistungen Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Cottbus

Anbieter in der Kategorie Haus- & Gartendienstleistungen in Cottbus

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
62 Bewertungen
62 Bewertungen aus 3 Quellen
Görlitzer Str. 22 | 03046Cottbus


Marlies Schillow auf

Termingerecht, schnelle und gute Arbeit. Sehr nette und kompetente Monteure. M. Sch.


Aleksey R auf

Always park their cars on all possible sidewalks and lawns around, drive pretty crazy, make noisy repairs early in the morning, and after that they're wondering why I rate them low. They feel like they own the world and don't give a damn about anyone else, whereas in reality they own only a small trashy business. Your answer that I just rate everyone bad is outright false, anyone can see my fair reviews, which can be good too. Finally, owners are AfD supporters and "Putinversteher", you know what I mean (my words are easy to check if you can use Internet a little bit) so I would think twice to work with such people even not knowing their overall level of culture. They will accuse me in lies again and again, but I am not their rival or so, I don't have any reason for that. Finally it's up to anyone to believe me or not.

Neutral & Unabhängig

30+ Bewertungsportale

Unterstützt durch KI

Über 20 Mio. Bewertungen