Geschäft für Second-Hand-Musikinstrumente Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Berlin
Anbieter in der Kategorie Geschäft für Second-Hand-Musikinstrumente in Berlin
Letzte Positiv Bewertung
Auch wenn ich nicht das gefunden habe, was ich gesucht habe, hat er eine enorme Auswahl und ist definitiv sehr freundlich.
Letzte Negativ Bewertung
absolutely horrible experience. Every single guitar was broken, but there's a trick..... you don't see it until you bring them home. Bought an electric guitar there, in store the guy was nice and I bought it. eventually went home, when I saw that the guitar had horrible pickup wiring problems that would've cost me twice the amount the guitar was worth to fix. Came a day later and the guy told me he would not refund me at all giving me 50€ back from a 400 purchase. I did manage to convince him to switch my broken guitar with another one, which WAS ALSO BROKEN !!!! I'm afraid I'll never go back. complete scam