Friseursalon Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Esslingen am Neckar
Anbieter in der Kategorie Friseursalon in Esslingen am Neckar
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1 Anbieter
mit37 Bewertungen
37 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
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Petra Eheim is a passionate hairdresser and creates her own style, which she also stands by personally. Recognizing what the customer wants and what they like requires a lot of experience, empathy and direct communication. Petra Eheim has made a name for herself in Esslingen through creativity and quality and since the studio was renovated in 2011 she has enjoyed the reputation of being one of the best salons in the region. The studio is located in the picturesque old town of Esslingen at Hafenmarkt 4, between medieval buildings and beautiful boutiques. Petra Eheim and her professional team warmly welcome you.