Flugzeug Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Frankfurt am Main

Anbieter in der Kategorie Flugzeug in Frankfurt am Main

Insgesamt haben wir
2 Anbieter
439 Bewertungen
416 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Heinrich-Lanz-Allee 10 | 60437Frankfurt am Main


Sabine H auf

Seit Juni 2021 geschlossen wegen Insolvenz.


Anne K auf

Es riecht nach kaltem Zigarettenrauch.pfui.

23 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
MANNHEIMER STR. 73 | 60327Frankfurt am Main


Anujit K auf

Very good and responsible company. Helped me with the booking, it was fast and totally hassle free! Also got some additional services! Thank you!


Christine G auf

A longstanding customer of Airways Travel - no more. They certainly provided us with my worst travel experience. There had been a prior strange incident, where I wasn´t reimbursed on an account of a mistake they had made, but as loyal customers you sometimes look the other way. - My initial flight was two hours earlier than in the original schedule - Etihad provided me with proof that someone from Airways Travel received the warning email, yet nobody from Airways Travel cared to inform me - Airways Travel GMBH never added my email contact or phone number to Etihad´s booking form - Airways Travel refused all responsibility and referred me to a clause they have online to check flights three days ahead before leaving and carry no fault Consequently, - I lost my connecting flight worth €500 - Had to organize my replacement flight to Germany with an airline of an unrelated alliance (Thank you @Etihad, Thank you @TurkishAirlines) - Friends had to wait 6 hours for me to arrive, meeting at an airport to continue travels - We had a secretary working on the cheapest connecting flight until 11pm to get me replacement tickets - We were hung up on our complaint call made from Indonesia and Airways Travel GMBH also ignored our two emails requesting to be reimbursed for our losses. Airways Travel GMBH, the way you have been treating us was a very disappointing experience. Please take responsibility and make up for our losses due to your mistakes. 

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