Eyebrowbar Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Berlin

Anbieter in der Kategorie Eyebrowbar in Berlin

Insgesamt haben wir
2 Anbieter
212 Bewertungen
68 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Schildhornstr 10 A | 12163Berlin
Heute:11:00 - 18:00


Rosalie S auf

Mein neuer Go To in Berlin!!! Ich liebe meine Augenbrauen (Fadentechnik + Henna)!! Ich bin so so glücklich! Freue mich schon darauf im Sommer meine Lashes hier machen zu lassen. Wer wirklich ON FLEEK sein will geht auf jeden Fall hier her!


Gisela B auf

Absolut unzufrieden und nicht weiter zu empfehlen! Augenbrauen verpfuscht darf noch Geld drauf bezahlen die weglasern zu lassen

144 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Prenzlauer Allee 186 | 10405Berlin
Heute:10:00 - 21:00


Claudia C auf

Olivia welcomed me with professionalism. I booked a face deep cleaning treatment with ultrasonic scrubber device and acids. Olivia got rid of all my skin impurities in one session and made sure everything worked comfortably for me. Moreover she informed me of how to treat and take care of my skin to improve the look of it and keep it healthy! I’ll definitely come back and I fully recommend to try this out!


Amina M auf

Hi — I went in to get my eyebrows done. Was asked to wait 15 mins and upon inquiring if I should wait longer they offered another staff member to thread my eyebrows. Until this point all was ok, not a big deal. What is very problematic is the skill to thread something as basic as eyebrows? Firstly, when she started I realized that they don't thread but only tweeze your hair. I'm heavily bruises on my lids and my skin is still burning. 2 hours after the service. At minimum, I would like my money reimbursed. Even tho its only 5 mins from my home, I'll never want to visit again.

Neutral & Unabhängig

30+ Bewertungsportale

Unterstützt durch KI

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