Dessertrestaurant Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Nürnberg

Anbieter in der Kategorie Dessertrestaurant in Nürnberg

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
262 Bewertungen
262 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Johannisstr. 130 | 90419Nürnberg


Jan S auf

Exzellentes, kreatives Essen. Schönes Ambiente und unglaublich zuvorkommender Service. Der Preis ist mehr als angemessen.


Gianluca P auf

Pietanze ottime, servizio favoloso, cocktail e vino azzeccati. Prezzi adeguati alla qualita' del tutto. Uno dei migliori posti dove sia stato a Norimberga finora. Grazie a Thomas, chef, e Jordan, cameriere, per tutto. Edit following Feb '23 visit: wow, how can a place go so south in a matter of 7 months? Now you can only take a 4-course or 5-course menu for 85 or 95€/pp. We are speaking of a Michelin starred restaurant price, without the culinary research or even the quantity you usually get for a full tasting menu. The food wasn't bad, but the quality & quantity / price ratio was very far from where it should be, if you want to play in the fine dining field. A real pity given how much we liked this place only 7m ago.

Neutral & Unabhängig

30+ Bewertungsportale

Unterstützt durch KI

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