Bangladeschisches Restaurant Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Freiburg im Breisgau

Anbieter in der Kategorie Bangladeschisches Restaurant in Freiburg im Breisgau

Insgesamt haben wir
1 Anbieter
631 Bewertungen
631 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Eisenbahnstr 43 | 79098Freiburg im Breisgau
Heute:12:00 - 15:00, 17:30 - 22:30


Ayanika S auf

Es war sehr authentisch und war sehr lecker. Ich habe für den Abend mein Heimatsessen wiedergegessen


Caro L auf

I lived in Asia for many years so quite accustomed to all sorts of Asian cuisine and HOSPITALITY. Both are amiss here. There was nothing of Bangladeshi cuisine here. The service was slow and the waitress could not smile or show warmth. She conveyed the impression of hating her job. The Beef Schizzling was boring. No love, no taste. It was more like WeightWatchers Cabbage Soup with unpeeled carrots for color. add a few pieces of chewy beef and topped with 3 spoons of brownish gravy. Seriously, this cooking is not the authentic way of Mom and Grandma back home! I requested some chili (which they did not have) to spice up the dish. The side salad was inedible with the same cabbage and carrots with a hint of 1 cherry tomato and sick lettuce. I was seriously wondering what happened to the dressing. The rice was overcooked and lacked salt. My palate was terribly insulted! No thank you, I will not visit here again.

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