Ausrüstung & Verbände Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Karlsruhe

Anbieter in der Kategorie Ausrüstung & Verbände in Karlsruhe

Insgesamt haben wir
3 Anbieter
187 Bewertungen
62 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Bahnhofstr. 9 | 76137Karlsruhe
Heute:09:00 - 12:30, 14:00 - 18:00


Rob auf

Sehr nett, gute Beratung und hervorragender Service. Sogar die geplagten Vanmoof-Besitzer bekommen einen Reparaturservice. Vorbildlich!


Flo auf

War heute vor Ort und hatte eine ganz normale Frage zum meinem Tretlager. Hinter der Theke stand eine sehr grimmige Dame und entgenete mir mit einer unhöflichen Antwort. Für mich hat sich das Fahrradgeschäft erledigt.

106 Bewertungen aus 2 Quellen
Durlacher Allee 55 | 76131Karlsruhe
Heute:11:00 - 17:00


Christian M auf

Thomas hat sehr viel Erfahrung und kennt die Produkte die er verkauft extrem gut. Er nimmt sich sehr viel Zeit für die Beratung und seine Empfehlungen sind bis jetzt bei mir immer extrem gut. Die Preise sind super fair und der Service überragend.


alessio m auf

It's my fault of course because I didn't check, but he sold me a 2016 Burton Custom Flying V for 400 € without even mentioning that it was a (very) old model. Same thing for the bindings. Not the nicest or most friendly person, but that's quite normal for this kind of business. The snowboard is good and I've spent what I wanted to spend, but I don't really feel like I've got the right value for my money, or that I've been consulted appropriately. On the positive side there is the amount of materials available in the shop and the fact that indeed he has a lot of experience... it's just difficult to bring it out and take advantage of it.

Ringelberghohl 26 | 76229Karlsruhe
Heute:24 Stunden geöffnet


Fischer H auf

Logobälle bestellt, sehr tolle und nette Kommunikation. Sehr unkompliziert und Lösungsorientiert. Schnelle Lieferung und vor allem top Druck Qualität. Immer wieder SNYDER


Peter G auf

I have ordered a pair of slippers from Snyder Golf. I also ordered balls from them as I was told they are really good. This pair of slippers, left black marks In my shower, in my Bathroom and on my carpet. I got in contact with a Gloria Schneider and explained to her with photographs that the slippers were leaving black marks. She requested me to send back the slippers so that they could find out why they were leaving black marks. I had asked her for a return receipt, to which she said we don't have that on our Website, with no word did she say that they have a no refund policy. I sent back the slippers on Saturday, and paid 7€ out of my own Pocket and Sent a E Mail asking for a refund of the return. I got a reply, they don't have refund for Returns and they don't have a refund of any kind. I just Rang them up and wanted to know what this means, I was told after I had asked why this is so, from the father of Gloria Schneider that he would hang up. I just said, this is something typical German at the moment that they hang up, and he hung up. I ask myself what is going on here in Germany? If I dealt with my customers, was over 32 years in the Travel business, like this i could have shut down. Is this service??? nope it isn't.

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