Anwalt für Arbeitsrecht Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Düsseldorf

Anbieter in der Kategorie Anwalt für Arbeitsrecht in Düsseldorf

Insgesamt haben wir
3 Anbieter
209 Bewertungen
15 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Uhlandstraße 33 | 40237Düsseldorf


Hanna R auf

Mir wurde sehr schnell und unkompliziert bei Herr Tüffers geholfen. Seit dem bin ich beruhigter und weiß, wie ich mit der Situation umgehen kann und sollte. Vielen Dank!

Zollhof 2 | 40221Düsseldorf


Teodor P auf

Sehr geehrter Herr Schrader, Vielen vielen Dank für Ihre jahrelange Unterstützung. Sie haben mich solange und erfolgreich unterstützt und betreut in der Sache gegen meinen alten Arbeitgeber. Vielen Dank auch an Ihr ganzes Team. Gerne empfehlen wir Sie weiter. Mit freundlichem Gruß Teodor Palanac

160 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Düsseldorfer Str. 70 | 40545Düsseldorf


daniel n auf

Thank you Dr Matthias Wurm !! I am extremely satisfied with a professional service and advices given to me during discovery session and later emails exchange. Your support is priceless. I am strongly recommend your service to anyone looking for help.


Mr W auf

I came to this place via Google, I called them and explained my situation. they mentioned that they can help me however the 30 minutes consultancy will cost me about 240 euro, I agreed and I exchanged my details with them and made the appointment. However, I got an email that the appointment cannot take place due to some court appointment they had we had reschedule. Then I asked if it will be possible to have a face to face meeting, but that was not possible due to Covid-19. Anyhow, the next day I was waiting for 15 minutes but no call received, I called back but it seemed that they were trying to call the wrong number all the time, but then the line was disconnected. Finally 10 minutes left over and I decided to cancel the meeting and asked for the refund, so now I am waiting for the refund. Nevertheless, if they are not able to secure my data and use it properly in first place, how can they handle my case? I lost my trust in this... will look around for some other Lawyers. I am not sure but to me 30 minutes call to consult for 240 euros is a bit too much, but this was not my reason to cancel this appointment, to me it is all a scam. 0 star

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