Aktivitäten & Ausflüge Bewertungen & Top Anbieter in Towcester

Anbieter in der Kategorie Aktivitäten & Ausflüge in Towcester

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1 Anbieter
177 Bewertungen
177 Bewertungen aus 1 Quelle
Cuttle Mill Ln | NN12 6LFTowcester
Heute:09:00 - 18:00


Martin E auf

I have just returned from an excellent tour with RSD travel at end of February 2025; 8 days visiting Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania. The tour was exceptional value for money even for a single traveller. Early spring seemed a good time to visit, it was outside the tourist season, but the temperature was warmer (and sunnier) than the UK. The 6 hotels included good breakfasts and were generally very good although some were a little away from the old/centre of town. The trip was by coach and was well organized; the tour guide ensured that everything was seamless including the many border crossings! The tour represented an excellent way to acquire a taste of each country including the many historic towns and scenic mountains. I expect, based on this first experience, that I will be researching other tours by RSD.


Bela C auf

This agency is dishonest and does not honor their cancellation policies. My mother had a stroke, and we informed them of her medical condition. According to the policy, the amount of refund you receive depends on how many days before the trip you cancel. Now, they are trying to get someone else to take my mother’s place so they don’t pay it out. This agency takes advantage of elderly people in an unethical manner. They are not a good agency

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