- Positiv
- 100%
- Neutral
- 0%
- Negativ
- 0%
- Google
- 19 Bewertungen
- Facebook
- 12 Bewertungen
Innovative, inhabergeführte Agentur mit extrem viel KnowHow in den Themen Kommunikationsarchitektur, New Work und digitalen Events.*****
Pure Kompetenz! für alle, die einen Kommunikationsarchitekten mit besonderer UC-Expertise suchen.
Detlev Artelt is well known and respected in Social Media. An astute consultant with varied knowledge in marketing offline and online.
I have not done business with aixvox GmbH yet but I know Detlev from online interactions. It is a pleasure to learn from his experience and skills.
AirVox: European voice solutions and cloud computing under the capable auspices of Detlev Artelt, a name you can trust.
Detlev a inspirational consultant, author, moderator, and networker. He gives useful advice in communications and speech technology. A guy to follow.